Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cappings... Wax that is!

Let's talk about the "cappings" of wax and what to do with them. After the process of gathering the honey, uncapping it, spinning it, filtering it and jarring it... what do we do with all that wax that we take off the comb?... we call it the cappings.                                          We take all the cappings and put it in a big pot and add water.... We melt it until it is a pure liquid.... Once the wax has melted, we pour it through a strainer to get all the extra gunk out of it and let it dry.... Once it dries we melt it again, this time without water and strain it through a super fine cheese cloth or towel one more time so it is perfect! 
Now it’s time to put it into molds.... We do this because when it comes time to make lotions and body balms, these molds are easier and faster to work with :)

1 comment:

  1. Very informative! It was the first time I went through this whole process and it was amazing to see the transformation from beginning to end!
